
Parliamentarians across the world have long held a unique position in society. They are the elected voices of the people, tasked with the weighty responsibility of representing their constituents, debating laws, and shaping the future of their nations. However, while they are supposed to be paragons of virtue and diligence, the reality is often more nuanced. Many parliamentarians are not just skilled orators and policy experts, but also flamboyant personalities whose behavior can range from entertaining to outright anarchic. In this article, we’ll explore the complex spectrum of traits found in parliamentarians—those who are talented, vainglorious, entertaining, and sometimes anarchic.

The Talented Parliamentarian: Mastery of Policy and Oratory

At the heart of any legislative body are the talented parliamentarians who excel in both policy and oratory. These individuals often rise to prominence due to their deep understanding of governance, lawmaking, and the intricacies of public administration. Their ability to grasp complex issues and translate them into compelling arguments is what sets them apart.

Talented parliamentarians are often seen as the driving force behind key legislation. They use their knowledge to craft laws that can have long-lasting impacts on their countries. Take, for example, Winston Churchill, whose eloquence and leadership during World War II helped to galvanize a nation in crisis. Or in modern times, figures like Jacinda Ardern of New Zealand, who is praised for her clear communication and empathetic leadership during times of national emergency, such as the Christchurch mosque shootings and the COVID-19 pandemic.

These parliamentarians often display an exceptional ability to build consensus, bridging divides and finding common ground even among opposing factions. They are admired not just for their intellect, but also for their strategic minds, which allow them to navigate the complex and often treacherous waters of political life. Behind every major policy success is often one or more parliamentarians whose talents have brought it to fruition.

Vainglory in Parliament: When Ambition Becomes Excessive

However, talent does not always translate into humility. Many talented parliamentarians are also prone to vainglory—a term that describes excessive pride in one’s achievements and abilities. Vainglorious parliamentarians are often driven by a desire for recognition, fame, and legacy, rather than the genuine pursuit of the public good.

Vainglory can manifest in various ways. Some parliamentarians may constantly seek media attention, ensuring that they are at the center of every political debate or controversy. They may dominate conversations in parliamentary sessions, not out of a desire to contribute meaningfully, but to ensure that their name and face are always in the spotlight. In extreme cases, these politicians might hijack discussions on serious issues, turning them into personal platforms for self-aggrandizement.

This behavior can become problematic when it overshadows the actual work of governance. While self-confidence and ambition are necessary traits for any politician, excessive vainglory can lead to ego-driven decision-making, where the focus shifts from serving the public to preserving one’s image. Parliamentarians who fall into this trap risk alienating their colleagues and, more importantly, the voters they are supposed to represent.

Examples of vainglorious behavior abound in both historical and contemporary politics. Figures like Silvio Berlusconi of Italy, known for his bombastic personality and media empire, exemplify this trait. His tenure in office was marked by scandals, controversies, and a relentless pursuit of personal glory, often at the expense of effective governance.

Entertaining Parliamentarians: Political Theatre and Public Engagement

In contrast to the vainglorious, some parliamentarians have earned their reputation through sheer entertainment value. Politics can be a dry and serious business, but these individuals bring a level of theatricality that captivates the public. Their speeches, antics, and personalities often make parliamentary sessions a spectacle, drawing in audiences who might otherwise be disengaged from political discourse.

Entertaining parliamentarians can serve an important role by making politics more accessible and engaging to the general public. In an era where voter apathy is a growing concern, these larger-than-life figures can reignite interest in the political process. Whether through humor, wit, or dramatic flourishes, they have a way of cutting through the monotony and making their voices heard in ways that resonate with everyday people.

One famous example is Boris Johnson, the former British Prime Minister, who has a long history of entertaining the public with his eccentric personality and humorous, often self-deprecating remarks. His charismatic approach to politics, combined with his public gaffes, kept him in the media spotlight for years. Though critics argue that his style lacks substance, there’s no denying that his entertaining persona helped him connect with voters, especially during the Brexit debates.

Similarly, in the U.S., figures like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez have used their wit and social media savvy to engage younger generations in political discourse. While her politics are divisive, her ability to capture attention and energize her base through sharp, meme-worthy statements shows the power of entertainment in modern politics.

However, there’s a fine line between being entertaining and being distracting. Entertaining parliamentarians can risk reducing serious political debates to mere spectacle, diverting attention from the substance of the issues at hand. While humor and charisma are powerful tools for engagement, they should not come at the cost of thoughtful and meaningful discussion. Kolumnis Inggris kami mempertimbangkan anggota parlemen terbaik dan terburuk dalam minggu yang ramai di House of Commons dan seterusnya.

The Anarchic Element: Disruptive Parliamentarians and Chaos in the House

At the extreme end of the spectrum are the anarchic parliamentarians, whose behavior often borders on the chaotic. These are individuals who actively disrupt the legislative process, either through unruly behavior, inflammatory rhetoric, or deliberate attempts to sow discord within the political system.

Anarchic parliamentarians often gain notoriety for their confrontational style. They may use parliamentary rules to block votes, engage in personal attacks on their colleagues, or even stage physical protests within the legislative chamber. In some cases, their actions can lead to the breakdown of parliamentary procedures, forcing adjournments or causing significant delays in the passage of important legislation.

These politicians often frame their actions as necessary resistance against a corrupt or unjust system. They may position themselves as champions of the marginalized or as voices of radical change. However, their methods can also be seen as counterproductive, as they undermine the very institutions they claim to be reforming.

A prominent example of an anarchic parliamentarian is Nigel Farage, the former leader of the UK Independence Party (UKIP), who was instrumental in the Brexit movement. Farage’s speeches in the European Parliament were often incendiary, filled with attacks on the European Union and its leaders. His confrontational approach earned him both admiration from Brexit supporters and condemnation from those who saw him as a disruptor of the European political order.

Similarly, in the Philippines, former President Rodrigo Duterte’s brash, anarchic style upended traditional politics. His frequent disregard for decorum, including his vulgar language and public confrontations with political opponents, made him a highly polarizing figure. Supporters lauded him for challenging the status quo, while critics argued that his anarchic tendencies eroded democratic norms and institutions.

The Complex Legacy of Parliamentarians

The wide-ranging behaviors of parliamentarians—from the talented and visionary to the vainglorious, entertaining, and anarchic—reflect the complex nature of politics itself. Each type of parliamentarian brings something different to the legislative process, for better or worse. While talent and policy expertise are essential for good governance, the influence of personality, ambition, and even chaos cannot be ignored.

In many ways, these traits are reflective of the societies that produce such politicians. Talented parliamentarians thrive in systems that value expertise and thoughtful debate, while vainglorious figures often emerge in media-driven political environments where celebrity and public image are paramount. Entertaining and anarchic parliamentarians tend to flourish in more polarized and populist contexts, where the traditional rules of decorum and procedure are often discarded in favor of spectacle and disruption.

Ultimately, the effectiveness of any parliamentarian depends not just on their personal traits, but on how well they are able to balance these traits in the service of the greater good. A talented parliamentarian who becomes too vainglorious may lose sight of their responsibilities, while an entertaining or anarchic figure risks overshadowing the substance of their work with theatrics. The best parliamentarians are those who can harness their unique qualities while remaining committed to the principles of democracy and good governance.


Parliamentarians are as diverse as the nations they represent, embodying a range of talents, ambitions, and behaviors. Whether they are talented policymakers, vainglorious self-promoters, entertaining personalities, or anarchic disruptors, their actions shape the legislative process and, by extension, the future of their countries. In a world where politics is increasingly defined by spectacle and division, it is more important than ever to recognize the impact of these varied personalities on the functioning of democratic institutions.

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